Going to the important event, and suddenly you notice those roots out of nowhere? Don’t panic – Wella experts are right here to help.

Those pesky roots! You’re minding your own beautiful business when all of a sudden you catch a glimpse of them in the mirror. Like clockwork, they sneak up on you every 4 to 6 weeks compromising your gorgeous color. If only you could make them disappear… Oh wait, you can! Here are some easy fixes from the color pros.
The quickie
Did you notice those roots right before an important event? Quick! Decide how you want to style your hair. Next, grab a box of Koleston Root Touch Up in a shade that matches the color you already use. Mix the contents per the directions then dip and dab using the brush! Just make sure you apply it where you plan to style or usually style your hair, so you get the “part” everyone sees! Since you’ll just be doing your part and hairline around the face, this is a super quick fix.
Have more time?
Using your favorite permanent hair color formula, such as Koleston, apply color at your roots only. You don’t need to run the color through your ends every time you color for the entire processing time. Just pull the color through your ends 5 minutes before your processing time is up. This deposits color without oversaturating your ends so you can help prevent unnecessary damage. Check out our handy chart below!